Search code examples


After my customers place an order, I send an email confirmation using the following code, but I want to prevent PHPSESSID from being included in this email:

$body = "";
  foreach ($_REQUEST as $Field=>$Value) { 
    if($Value != ''){
     $body .= "$Field: $Value\n\n";

At the top of the PHP file, I have the following regarding SESSION id

<?php session_start(); ?>
<?php if (!isset($_SESSION['id'])) : ?>

Somehow, this must create a PHPSESSID field with a value that is getting picked up by my $body code.

The email output generated looks like the following:

_fname: Mark
_lname: Smith
_Address_1: South St
_Phone: 123-456-7890
_email: [email protected]
_Date_Needed: 4/19/17
B1: Submit
PHPSESSID: (some string of characters)

Interestingly, the B1 Submit and the PHPSESSID are not variables that I am using, but the code is finding those values and returning them. The B1 Submit is an irritation, but I think the PHPSESSID is a possible security risk.

I am using $_REQUEST to get form data from the user as follows:


Maybe I should change that from $_REQUEST to $_GET and then use $_GET in the email creation as well?


  • If your form is getting POST data, then merely change it to:

    foreach ($_POST as $Field=>$Value) { 
        if($Value != ''){
            $body .= "$Field: $Value\n\n";

    If it's using GET data, change it to $_GET instead of $_POST