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Calculating median with Group By in AWS Redshift

I've seen other posts about using the median() window function in Redshift, but how would you use it with a query that has a group by at the end?

For example, assume table course:

Course | Subject | Num_Students
   1   |  Math   |      4
   2   |  Math   |      6
   3   |  Math   |      10
   4   | Science |      2
   5   | Science |      10
   6   | Science |      12

I want to get the median number of students for each course subject. How would I write a query that gives the following result:

  Subject  | Median
 Math      |     6
 Science   |     10

I've tried:

subject, median(num_students) over ()

But it lists every occurrence of the subject and the same median number across subjects like (this is fake data so the actual value it returns is not 6, but just showing it's the same across all subjects):

  Subject  | Median
 Math      |     6
 Math      |     6
 Math      |     6
 Science   |     6
 Science   |     6
 Science   |     6


  • You simply need to remove the "over()" portion of it.

    SELECT subject, median(num_students) FROM course GROUP BY 1;