Search code examples

MongoDB sort the result after limit

is there a way to sort the documents returned from limit? example:

//returns 10 documents:

//returns 10 another documents

what I want is to get 10 last logged in users and then sort them by messages count.


  • You can use an aggregate such as

        {"$sort": {"last_online_timestamp":1}},
        {"$limit": 10},
        {"$sort": {"messages_count": 1}}

    This will go through stages where the the documents in the collection will be:

    1. Sorted by the last_online_timestamp field in ascending order
    2. Limited to 10 documents
    3. Those 10 documents will be sorted by the messages_count field in ascending order

    You may want to change {"$sort": {"last_online_timestamp":1} to {"$sort": {"last_online_timestamp":-1} depending on the actual values of last_online_timestamp

    For more information on Mongo aggregation, see