Search code examples

Format date and Value

I have a synchronized List from SharePoint in Excel with Date, Names and sold items to sume.

The Date appears as Datetime(2017-01-01 13:00:00). In order to do a Pivot Table I wanted to Format it so only appears the month and the year. (January 17).

The Problem is, although the Date is in Month-Year Format, when I do the Pivot table it seems to get the original values of the date, so it doesn´t recognize "January 17" as a Month and it repeats the field several times because it still recognize it as a DateTime value and I can´t get the sold items of one month.


  • Please have a column to convert the format 2017-01-01 13:00:00 to January-17

    If the datetime is in cell A1 use the formula below,
