I am not familiar with Objective-C so I am not able to understand this. My message structure is different than JSQMessage so I want to create my own class.
Here is my class
class ChatMessage:NSObject {
var createdAt:Double?
var createdName:String?
var createdUid:String?
var imageUrl:String?
var name:String?
var text:String?
var uColor:String?
var uid:String?
If you're implementing this in Swift, and you want to make it usable within that framework, you should make your class conform to JQMessageData
. You just need to implement the required methods and variables.
class ChatMessages: NSObject, JSQMessageData {
// MARK: Required methods
func senderId() -> String! {
// your code here, return a unique ID for your sender
func senderDisplayName() -> String! {
// your code here, return the display name of your sender
func date() -> Date! {
// your code here, return your message date
func isMediaMessage() -> Bool {
// your code here, return whether your message contains media
func messageHash() -> UInt {
// your code here, return a unique identifier for your message
// MARK: Optional methods
func text() -> String! {
// your code here, return your message text
func media() -> JSQMessageMediaData! {
// your code here, return your message media if required
// MARK: Other methods and variables
// ...
Check the documentation for what to return in those methods.