To give you some context, I am trying to find out the optimal parameters for a research problem using Bayes rule, and my question here has to do with generating the prior probability distributions for these parameters.
Suppose that my two parameters are A and B. I know that the prior distribution for A is going to look like a Gamma distribution, and my distribution for B is going to look like a normalized Gaussian distribution. The goal is to plot these distributions on the x and y axes, and then plot the joint probability P(A,B) = P(A)*P(B) in the z-axis. If I can do that, then I can identify what values of A and B are most probable for my problem.
So I type in MATLAB
A = linspace(-50,50,1000);
B = A;
gamma = gampdf(A,5,5);
norm = normpdf(B,0,5);
[A B] = meshgrid(A,B);
Z = gamma'*norm;
When I do that, I get this:
Rotating this perhaps gives me something I'm looking for, but since it's all black, I can't really tell for sure.
Is there a way I can make it more easy to distinguish and have the mesh work? (I'm guessing the mesh didn't work because my Z is not a function of A and B, but rather of gamma and norm).
Any help would be much appreciated, since I'm completely open to alternative ways of doing this.
The grid lines are so dense (you have 1000 lines in each dimension) that it just appears black. Use set
to turn off the grid lines:
h = surf(A,B,Z);