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How to add interceptor to all API requests except one or two?

I know it's possible to add an interceptor to all requests through an OkHttpClient, but I would like to know if it's possible to add headers to all requests in Okhttp except for one request or two using the OkHttpClient.

For example, in my API all requests require a bearer token (Authorization: Bearer token-here header) except for the oauth/token (to get a token) and api/users (to register a user) routes. Is it possible to add an interceptor for all requests except the excluded ones using the OkHttpClient in one step or should I add the headers individually for each request?


  • I found the answer!

    Basically I needed an interceptor as usual and I needed to check the URL there to know whether I should add the authorization header or not.

    import okhttp3.Interceptor;
    import okhttp3.Request;
    import okhttp3.Response;
     * Created by Omar on 4/17/2017.
    public class NetInterceptor implements Interceptor {
        public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
            Request request = chain.request();
            if (request.url().encodedPath().equalsIgnoreCase("/oauth/token")
                    || (request.url().encodedPath().equalsIgnoreCase("/api/v1/users") && request.method().equalsIgnoreCase("post"))) {
                return  chain.proceed(request);
            Request newRequest = request.newBuilder()
                    .addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer token-here")
            Response response = chain.proceed(newRequest);
            return response;