I've been looking at how to transfer data to and from webworkers, and every example I've found has shown the following format:
var myData = new Uint8ClampedArray(256);
postMessage(myData.buffer, [ myData.buffer ]);
However I'd like to be able to send additional data. So, my question is does the following also transfer ownership of myData
's buffer, or is it just copying?
var myData = new Uint8ClampedArray(256);
postMessage({ foo: 'bar', data: myData }, [ myData.buffer ]);
I just returned to this after a couple months, and decided to run a benchmark. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to do it properly on jsperf, so I went ahead and put this gist together. Using a 1 MB Uint8ClampedArray
over 10000 round-trip loops, my results were as follows:
worker.postMessage(data, [ data.buffer ]);
// => 1112ms
worker.postMessage({ foo: 'bar', data: data }, [ data.buffer ]);
// => 1220ms
// => 11862ms
worker.postMessage({ foo: 'bar', data: data });
// => 12244ms
The results were basically what I expected, but it's nice to have confirmation. There does appear to be some overhead (~10%) with adding extra data in an object, but array buffer ownership is transferred properly.