I want to format Ansible output from:
my_local | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
my_local2 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
my_local >> 116G
my_local2 >> 116G
Is it possible?
my_local ansible_connection=local
my_local2 ansible_connection=local
Bash command:
ansible all -i inventory.ini -u root -m shell -a "df -h / | tail -1 | awk '{print \$4}'"
To achieve exactly what you want, you have to write your own stdout callback plugin.
Out of the box, there is oneline
stdout plugin, you can apply it with -o
or --one-line
flag to ansible
executable to get:
my_local | SUCCESS | rc=0 | (stdout) 116G
my_local2 | SUCCESS | rc=0 | (stdout) 116G