I am not too familiar with the jade template language, but quite familiar with handle bars. I need to use hbs because my project is based on hbs.
I have the following the braintree payment for nodejs express, and their view was based on jade. https://github.com/braintree/braintree_express_example/blob/master/views/checkouts/new.jade
form#payment-form(action="/checkouts", method="post")
span.input-label Amount
input#amount(name="amount" type="tel" min="1" placeholder="Amount" value="10")
span Test Transaction
(function () {
var checkout = new Demo({
formID: 'payment-form'
var token = "#{clientToken}";
braintree.setup(token, "dropin", {
container: "bt-dropin"
Below is my router
router.post('/', parseUrlEnconded, function (request, response) {
var transaction = request.body;
amount: 7,
paymentMethodNonce: transaction.payment_method_nonce
}, function (err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
if (result.success) {
I essentially want the payment form to be shown in view, and the payment_method_nonce
value submitted to the server
Use jade-to-handlebars, which is a nodejs module to do exactly what you ask.