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Puppet: add file for all users?

If I want to add a file to a specific directory with Puppet I can use:

file { "/folder/file_name":
    ensure => present,
    source => [puppet///file_name],

Is there a way I can add a file to each user's home directory?

Something like:

file { "/home/$USER/filename":
    ensure => present,
    source => [puppet///filename],


  • As long as this is *nix, then you can add a custom fact to assemble the home directories on a system. I suggest naming it homedirs.rb when you create it inside of the module's lib/facter/ directory.

    # collect home directories
    Facter.add(:homedirs) do
      setcode do
        # grab home directories on system and convert into array
        `ls /home`.split("\n")

    If you want this for all non-Windows you can add a:

    unless Facter.value(:kernel) == 'Windows'

    around the code block, or keep it to just Linux with:

    confine kernel: linux

    above the setcode.

    Then, you can use a lambda to iterate through this fact array and apply the file resource.

    # iterate through homedirs in fact array
    $facts['homedirs'].each |$homedir| {
      # copy file to home directory
      file { "/home/$homedir/filename":
        ensure => file,
        source => puppet:///filename,

    I also fixed up a few issues with your file resource there.

    Some helpful doc links in case any of this is confusing: