Why do JavaCC always give an error on terminal with lookahead? Like on this example,
public class GS{
public static void main(String args[]) throws ParseException {
GS parser = new GS(System.in);
void q0():
"a" q1() |
void q1():
"b" q0()
| "b"
On q1() there're 2 options, one is to read "b" and move to q0, or read "b" and end the reading. But if I give an input "ab" it will give an error even though it have lookahead option. But if I give "(ab)*c", JavaCC accept it just fine.
Exception in thread "main" TokenMgrError: Lexical error at line 1, column 3. Encountered: "\r" (13), after : ""
This same error always happen when the production rule is
"terminal_x" non-terminal()
| "terminal_x"
Is there any way to make this kind of production rule without giving an error?
I'm using JavaCC ver. 6.0_1.
Apparently, if the production rule is in the form
| "terminal_x" non-terminal()
The error wont happened. But still, what cause this error?
The problem is that your input string contains a return character that the lexer is not expecting. It has nothing to do with lookhahead; lookahead has to do with parsing, not lexing. I'd suggest putting in a rule something like this.
SKIP : { " " | "\t" | "\r" | "\n" }