Search code examples

Prefered way to map a result set with entity and count using Spring Data

There is often the business question to show all categories and how often these categories are used.

This question is easy to answer with an query:

SELECT c.*, count(*) FROM category_assignment ca LEFT JOIN category c on ca.c_id = group by

What i am asking for is your suggested way to map the result set based on the following:

public class CategoryAssignment {
    int id;

    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    private Category category;

    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    private Car car;

public class Category {
    String id;
    TypeEnum type;

public class Car {
    int id;
    String name;

From my point of view the best result of the mapping would be to get a custom object which contains the Category as entity and the count number as additional variable right out of the repository call:

MappingResult result = repository.getCategoriesAndTheirCountOfType(TypeEnum type);

public class MappingResult {
    Category category;
    BigInteger count;

To only way i was able to achieve it until now was to map the result set manually. But i hope there are easier ways to map it.


  • You can use Projections to get it:

    public interface CategoryAndCount {
        Category getCategory();
        Long getUsageCount();
    public interface CategoryAssignmentRepository extends CrudRepository<CategoryAssignment, Integer> {
        @Query("select c as category, count(*) as usageCount from CategoryAssignment ca join ca.category c where c.type = ?1 group by c") 
        CategoryAndCount getCategoriesAndTheirCountOfType(TypeEnum type);

    Don't forget to add alias to field in the query (c as category, count(*) as usageCount).

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