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Iterating a singly linked list not working drivers

I'm trying to code a driver that implements a singly linked list for md5 hashes.

The code I have so far is:



typedef struct {
    char hash[33]; // last byte for null terminator



#define CopyCharArrays(src, dest, len)      \
do {                                    \
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)       \
        dest[i] = src[i];               \
    dest[len] = '\0';                   \
} while(0)           

/* Return TRUE if strings are equal */
static BOOLEAN IsEqual(char* str1, char* str2, int len)
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
        if (str1[i] != str2[i])
            return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

static void AddToSignatureList(char hash[32]) {
    PSIGNATURE Sig = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPoolNx, sizeof(SIGNATURE)); // allocate memory to store a SIGNATURE node

    CopyCharArrays(hash, Sig->hash, 32); // place the hash in our new allocated node (puts null terminator at position 33)

    DbgPrintEx(0, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "Hash: %s\n", Sig->hash);
    PushEntryList(&Head, &Sig->next); // insert the new node in our list

/*Returns TRUE if the hash is in the library*/
static BOOLEAN SignatureScan(char hash[32])
    if (IsListEmpty(Head)) { // if there is no signature in the index
        return FALSE;
    else {
        PSINGLE_LIST_ENTRY pSig = Head; // this is the pointer we will use to iterate
        PSIGNATURE Sig;

        do {
            Sig = CONTAINING_RECORD(pSig, SIGNATURE, next); // get the PSIGNATURE on the current pointer

            DbgPrintEx(0, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "%s - %s\n", Sig->hash, hash);
            if (!IsEqual(Sig->hash, hash, 32)) {
                return TRUE;

            pSig = &Sig->next; // go to the next node
        } while (pSig != Head);

        return FALSE;



DbgPrintEx(0, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "Should return TRUE: %d\n", SignatureScan("3f066dd1f1da052248aed5abc4a0c6a1"));
DbgPrintEx(0, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "Should return FALSE: %d\n", SignatureScan("3f066dd1f1da052248aed5abc4a0c6a2"));
DbgPrintEx(0, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "Should return FALSE: %d\n", SignatureScan("526ae1b5f10eccfa069f4fd1c8b18097"));

I can't really figure out.. It doesn't crash and the WinDBG output is: WinDBG output

I have read this blog post and this msdn article but I still don't know what is wrong in my driver


  • I see several likely issues.

    • Your loop isn't being initialized correctly.

      PSINGLE_LIST_ENTRY pSig = Head;
      do {
          Sig = CONTAINING_RECORD(pSig, SIGNATURE, next);

    The first time through this loop, pSig is pointing at Head which is not part of a SIGNATURE structure, so the call to CONTAINING_RECORD results in a meaningless pointer.

    • You're not exiting the loop correctly either. The end of a singly-linked list is represented by a null pointer, not by a pointer to the header.

    • And, going for the triple, you aren't incrementing the list properly either:

      pSig = &Sig->next; // go to the next node

    Sig->next points to the current node, not the next node.

    • IsListEmpty is for doubly-linked lists, not singly-linked lists. That code shouldn't even compile.

    • The choice of PSINGLE_LIST_ENTRY rather than SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY for Head is odd, and the code that initializes Head is missing.

    • The argument hash is declared as a 32-character array, it should be 33 characters to allow for the null terminator.

    I think the function should look more like this:

    static BOOLEAN SignatureScan(char hash[33])
        PSINGLE_LIST_ENTRY pSig = Head->Next;
        PSIGNATURE Sig;
        while (pSig != NULL)
            Sig = CONTAINING_RECORD(pSig, SIGNATURE, next);
            DbgPrintEx(0, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "%s - %s\n", Sig->hash, hash);
            if (!strcmp(Sig->hash, hash)) return TRUE;
            pSig = pSig->Next;
        return FALSE;

    Also, note that it is more usual for the SINGLE_LINKED_LIST to be the first element of the structure, and that calling it next is misleading. Something like this might be preferable:

    typedef struct {
        SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY list_node;
        char hash[33]; // last byte for null terminator