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s/360 assembly: how to implement a call stack

I would like to write a function (in hlasm) which calls itself and other functions.

On a x86 or z80 (and probably others) you would do just call function and at the end of it a ret. The processor will then store and retrieve the return address.

The instruction set has the following instruction:

BAL reg,func

...which stores the return address in reg, then at the end you can do BR regto jump to that return address. Another problem though is that there are apparently no push/pop instructions.


  • In System/360 and successor operating systems, the infrastructure to do this is a part of what is called reentrant programming. The basic concept is that the storage for the save area pointed to by R13 is obtained from the operating system (think malloc in C). The system macro calls to obtain storage are used at the very beginning of your program. Likewise, the system macro calls to return the storage to the operating system are coded at the exit of your program

    You haven't mentioned which operating system you are using. I am going to make the following assumptions for this example code:

    • this is for z/OS or a predecessor operating system (OS/390, MVS, OS/VSn, OS/360);
    • the code is AMODE 24 or 31, in non-access-register mode (introducing AMODE 64 or ARs changes save area formats);
    • this is not running in a Language Environment (LE) situation;
    • register equates in the form Rn have been defined;
    • and I have not counted columns for the comments (so they may wander into 72).

    This skeletal routine is reentrant, and because of that it can also be used recursively, as you mentioned (with caveats that bad code reinvoking itself will eventually lead to out-of-storage abends). The code requires a base register, but I suggest using the modern coding method called "baseless", where the code itself does not use a base register, as it uses the relative & immediate instructions for branches. (You always need a base register for data.)

    WORKAREA  DSECT ,                    Reentrant work area (like C stack)
              DS    18F                  Save area
    FIELD1    DS    F                    Some variable
    FIELD2    DS    F                    Another variable
    WORKLEN   EQU   *-WORKAREA           Length of reentrant work area
    SUBRTN1   RSECT ,                    HLASM will perform reentrant checking
              STM   R14,R12,12(R13)      Save registers at entry
              LR    R12,R15              Set code base register
              USING SUBRTN1,R12          Establish code addressability
              LGHI  R0,WORKLEN           Get length of reentrant work area
              STORAGE OBTAIN,            Obtain reentrant work area                  X
                    LENGTH=(0)           ..Length is in R0
              ST    R1,8(,R13)           Forward chain in prev save area
              ST    R13,4(,R1)           Backward chain in next save area
              L     R14,20(,R13)         Get R1 at entry (parameters)          
              LR    R13,R1               Set up new save area/reentrant workarea
              USING WORKAREA,R13         Establish work area addressability
              LM    R2,R3,0(R14)         Get addresses of parameters
              STM   R2,R3,FIELD1         Save parameter addresses for later
    ***    Logic goes here
              LR    R1,R13               Address to be released
              L     R13,4(,R13)          Address of prior save area
              LGHI  R0,WORKLEN           Length of storage to release 
              STORAGE RELEASE,           Release reentrant work area                 X
                    ADDRESS=(1),         ..Address in R1                             X
                    LENGTH=(0)           ..Length in R0
              LM    R14,R12,12(R13)      Restore registers
              OI    15(R13),X'01'        This bit on means this save area is inactive
              BR    R14                  Return to caller

    This is a very basic example, and introduces some advanced assembler concepts, like a DSECT (dummy section), which describes an area without actually allocating storage in the program. RSECT is a way for the assembler to reinforce reentrancy, by issuing warnings if the program tries to modify itself. (There's also an assembler option, RENT, but that does it for the entire source; RSECT is just for that section.)

    The key thing to remember about this example is that you have two base registers, one addressing code, one addressing data. This has parallels with the early x86 architecture, with the code segment and data segment. In this case, the data segment also is used as the stack segment.

    Reentrant programs is an essential part of systems-level z/Architecture programming, as it's practically required for multitasking environments. It's an important technique to understand if one will code applications (in a general sense) beyond typical batch programs.

    If you are in an LE environment (COBOL, PL/I, C/C++, or assembler main program), you should use the LE-supplied CEEENTRY and CEETERM macros. LE-compiler-generated programs are generally reentrant (even COBOL with the NORENT option). Make sure you code MAIN=NO on the CEEENTRY macro, otherwise all sorts of performance problems and possible logic errors occur. The LE stack mechanism is an advanced version of the technique that I demonstrated above, most notably allocating a large area dedicated to stack usage, so that subsequent calls don't have the overhead of calling the operating system to obtain storage.

    If you are working in a z/VSE or z/VM environment, or the non-IBM BS2000/OSD environment, I can modify the above example.

    Please comment with questions, and I will update this example for additional clarity.