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How to detect 16550 UART chip in MS-DOS x86 Assembly Language?

I am trying to work out how to write code in MS-DOS assembly to detect if 16550 UART chip (serial controller) is installed, or if there is a generic method to detect the model of UART chip installed.

So far I have checked the following resources:

  • Advanced MS-DOS Programming Second Edition
  • Writing MS-DOS Device Drivers
  • Ralf Brown's Interrupt List (Although it may be in here I have tried searching it for serial and 16550 and haven't found it)
  • Have searched through DosBox source code for clues as I know it has implemented this but couldn't find where

Have been unable to find a copy yet of 16550 programming manual for MS-DOS. I have no problem initializing serial port, sending/receiving data to it, the challenge is how to detect the specific chip or at least confirm if chip is 16550 model.


  • While not in assembler, this can be converted to assembler. In C from

    int detect_UART(unsigned baseaddr)
       // this function returns 0 if no UART is installed.
       // 1: 8250, 2: 16450 or 8250 with scratch reg., 3: 16550, 4: 16550A
       int x,olddata;
       // check if a UART is present anyway
       if ((inp(baseaddr+6)&0xf0)) return 0;
       if ((inp(baseaddr+6)&0xf0)!=0xf0) return 0;
       // next thing to do is look for the scratch register
       if (inp(baseaddr+7)!=0x55) return 1;
       if (inp(baseaddr+7)!=0xAA) return 1;
       outp(baseaddr+7,olddata); // we don't need to restore it if it's not there
       // then check if there's a FIFO
       // some old-fashioned software relies on this!
       if ((x&0x80)==0) return 2;
       if ((x&0x40)==0) return 3;
       return 4;

    An assembly code to detect the UART from as suggested by Guest :

    title "UART Detector"
    UART_DET  segment para public 'code'
            assume  cs:UART_DET, ds:UART_DET, es:UART_DET
    page 60, 132
    ; comments -- the WRITE function is left up to your own implementation
    ; v1.1 Toad Hall Tweak, May 91
    ;        Yeah, well, we can do that.
    ;        David Kirschbaum
    ;        Toad Hall
    ;        kirsch%maxemail@uunet
    ; v1.2 wvl tweak, May 92
    ;        Heck, we can even check all the comm ports, not just the one 
    ;        which is hard coded and display the port base address, too.
    ;        William Luitje
    ; constants
    BIOSdseg equ    40h          ; data segment for BIOS
    IIR      equ    2            ;Interrupt Indentification Register offset
             .model tiny           ; tiny model (.COM)
             org    100h           ; .COM files start at 100h
             jmp    start          ; jump to start of progarm
    ; variables
    _UARTbase       dw      ?    ;UART base address
    xbyte2          db      ?
    jmp_table   dw      uart_8250_or_16450, uart_unknown, uart_16550, uart_16550a
    banner          db      'UART Detector, Version 1.2',0ah,0dh
                    db      'Comm Base Adr Type',0ah,0dh,'$'
    type_msg        db      '  '
    portno          db      'x   $'
    base_msg        db      ' xxxx   $'
    notinst         db      'Not Installed',0ah,0dh,'$'
    m8250           db     '8250',0ah,0dh,'$'
    m16450          db     '16450',0ah,0dh,'$'
    munknown        db     'Unknown (possibly 82510)',0ah,0dh,'$'
    m16550          db     '16550',0ah,0dh,'$'
    m16550a         db     '16550A',0ah,0dh,'$'
    HexTbl          db     '0123456789ABCDEF'
    ; ------------------------ MAIN ------------------------------
    start    proc
    ;-Display banner
            mov     dx,offset banner
             call   Display
             mov    ax, BIOSdseg
             mov    es, ax         ; move bios data segment into ES
    ;-For (cx = 0; cx<4; ++cx)
             xor    cx,cx
    ;---Find & display UART type
    start1:  call   findType
             inc    cx
             cmp    cx,4
             jne    start1
    ;-End For
             mov    ax, 4c00h     ;terminate
             int    21h
    ;------------Find UART type for a given comm port-------------
    ; CX:  Comm port # -1
             push   cx
    ;-Display port number
             mov    al,cl
             add    al,031h
            mov     portno,al
            mov     dx,offset type_msg
             call   Display
    ;-Get Requested Port Base Address
             shl    cx,1
             mov    bx,cx
            mov     dx,es:[bx]      ; get offset for serial port
            mov     _UARTbase,dx    ; _UARTbase := serial port base address
    ;-Display Base Address 
             call   Hex2Asc
             mov    dx,offset base_msg
             call   Display
             mov    dx,_UARTBASE
    ;-If base address == 0
            test    dx,0ffffh
            jne     find1           ;no, cool
    ;---Display "Not installed"
             mov    dx,offset notinst
             call   Display
             jmp    findret
    ;---Figure out which type IS installed
             mov    dx,_UARTbase
             add    dx,IIR
             in     al, dx         ; al := port [dx]
             mov    xbyte2, al    ; xbyte2 := al
             mov    al, 0c1h      ; al := $C1
             out    dx, al         ; port [dx] := al
             in     al, dx         ; al := port [dx]
             and    al, 0c0h      ; al := (al AND $C0)
             mov    cl, 5          ; cl := 5
             shr    al, cl         ; al := (al shr 5) (5 for word jmp)
             xor    ah,ah          ; ah := 0   v1.1
             mov    bp, ax         ; bp := ax (al)
             mov    al, xbyte2    ; al := xbyte2
             out    dx, al         ; port [dx] := al
             jmp    CS:[jmp_table+bp] ;    v1.1
             mov    dx, _UARTbase  ; dx := _UARTbase
             add    dx, 7          ; dx := dx + 7
             in     al, dx         ; al := port [dx]
             mov    xbyte2, al    ; xbyte2 := al
             mov    al, 0fah      ; al := $FA
             out    dx, al         ; port [dx] := al
             in     al, dx         ; al := port [dx]
             cmp    al, 0fah      ; if (al <> $FA)
             jne    uart_16450    ; then uart is 16450
             mov    al, 0afh      ; al := $AF
             out    dx, al         ; port [dx] := al
             in     al, dx         ; al := port [dx]
             cmp    al, 0afh      ; if (al <> $AF)
             jne    uart_8250     ; then uart is 8250
             mov    al, xbyte2    ; else al := xbyte2
             out    dx, al         ; port [dx] := al
             jmp    short uart_16450 ; uart is 16450
             mov    dx,offset m8250
             call   Display
             jmp    findret
             mov    dx,offset m16450
             call   Display
             jmp    findret
             mov    dx,offset munknown
             call   Display
             jmp    findret
             mov    dx,offset m16550
             call   Display
             jmp    findret
             mov    dx,offset m16550a
             call   Display
    findret: pop    cx
             mov    ah,09h         ;display msg in DX  v1.1
             int    21H            ;via DOS   v1.1
             xor    bl,bl
             mov    bl,dh                  ;display high nibble of dh
             mov    cl,4
             shr    bl,cl
             mov    al,byte ptr HexTbl[bx]
             mov    base_msg+1,al
             mov    bl,dh                  ;display low nibble of dh
             and    bl,0fH
             mov    al,HexTbl[bx]
             mov    base_msg+2,al
             mov    bl,dl                  ;display high nibble of dl
             mov    cl,4
             shr    bl,cl
             mov    al,HexTbl[bx]
             mov    base_msg+3,al
             mov    bl,dl                  ;display low nibble of dl
             and    bl,0fH
             mov    al,HexTbl[bx]
             mov    base_msg+4,al
    start    endp                  ; end of proc
    END      entry                 ; end of program
    UART_DET  ends