I am having a weird issue with just loading my assets, using the assetManager. My assetManager is a separate class I made to make everything shorter and more neat. My Asset class isn't static. I have all the assets loaded in a non static assetDescriptor.
I load my splash screen which in tern loads all my assets while that is displaying. when I call the other screen the assets I have loaded can not be loaded and causes my game to crash. The splash screen does load but when it assigns a new screen it crashes.
I have spent 2 days on this issue. trying more then 15 variations. To no prevail.
My error message is:
com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: Asset not loaded: stuff.png
at com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager.get(AssetManager.java:144)
at com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager.get(AssetManager.java:167)
at com.nectar.pewdybird.mainMenu.<init>(mainMenu.java:71)
at com.nectar.pewdybird.pewdyBird.render(pewdyBird.java:68)
at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.android.AndroidGraphics.onDrawFrame(AndroidGraphics.java:459)
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(GLSurfaceView.java:1523)
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.run(GLSurfaceView.java:1240)
public Assets assets;
public void create(){
assets = new Assets();
public void render(){
if(assets.update()) {
setScreen(new mainMenu(this));
} else {
//Splash Screen
//Draws SplashScreen
public void dispose(){
public Assets assets;
private Texture Stuff;
public mainMenu(Splash game){
assets = game.assets;
Stuff = game.assets.manager.get(game.assets.stuff);
public AssetManager manager = new AssetManager(new InternalFileHandleResolver());
public final AssetDescriptor<Texture> stuff =
new AssetDescriptor<Texture>("stuff.png", Texture.class);
public void load(){
//12 More loads
public boolean update(){
return manager.update();
Thank you for reading and possibly helping with my maybe simple issue.
Look at your mainMenu
class. You're creating a new Assets
object, that don't have any asset so instead of creating a new Assets
object use Assets object of Splash
because you loaded assets on that object.
public Assets assets;
public Texture Stuff;
public mainMenu(){
assets = new Assets(); // why are you creating new Assets here
Stuff = assets.manager.get(assets.stuff);
Actually you're creating object of mainMenu
by using parameterised constructor in Splash
public mainMenu(Splash splash){
assets = splash.assets; // instead of creating new take reference of Splash class assets
Stuff = assets.manager.get(assets.stuff);