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Ratpack unable to retrieve value from body

I'm sending data via post request from the webpage to the server.

$("#1, #2, #3, #4").on("click", function(){
              var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    "POST", "SimpleServlet.html", true);
              xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8');
              xhr.send(JSON.stringify({"product_id": $(this).attr("id"), "quantity" : 1 }));

With the help of this javascript. I am sure that it gets sent to the server and it arrives there.

On the server I try to retrieve the values I wrote to the data.

.post("SimpleServlet.html", ctx ->
                        final Response response = ctx.getResponse();

                        System.out.println("Getting result");

                        final ExecResult<String> result = ExecHarness.yieldSingle(c ->

                        System.out.println("Getting value");

I, unfortunately, didn't find any guide how to retrieve the String values accordingly.

I tried the above but this does get stuck inside the ExecHarness forever.

I would like get receive the values. Take them to make a new java object and then respond with the json of another java object back. (Second object depends on previous object data)


  • Ratpack's API reference Instead of ExecHarness try something like this:

    ctx.getRequest().getBody().then({ data ->
      String text = data.getText();
      // parse text with whatever you use, e.g. Jackson
      System.out.println("Getting value");

    You can chain it too, e.g.

    context.getRequest().getBody().flatMap({ data ->
        //parse data and get id
        //call to async service who returns Promise
        return service.getReport(id).map((String report) -> {
            // do some staff
         //final staff before send response
         //import static ratpack.jackson.Jackson.json; 