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Convert Expression<Func<T, U>> to Expression<Func<object, object>>

I have a LambdaExpression which is of type Expression<Func<T, string>>. The design of the code currently does not allow me to keep T which means that I am forced to use the slower DynamicInvoke instead of Invoke.

Since I know the type of T I want to convert the expression so that it accepts a T object, allowing me to use Invoke. How?

Here's a good start

class Program
    class MyClass
        public string MyProperty => "Foo";

    static LambdaExpression GetExpression(Expression<Func<MyClass, object>> expr)
        return expr;

    static void Main(string[] args)
        var e1 = GetExpression(t => t.MyProperty);
        var e2 = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, object>>(e1, e1.Parameters);

        object myClass = new MyClass();
        string s1 = (string)e1.Compile().DynamicInvoke(myClass);
        object s2 = e2.Compile().Invoke(myClass);


  • The non-expression version would look like

    Func<object, object> Convert<T>(Func<T, object> f) {
      return o => f((T)o);

    This is what you need to do in the expression version as well. You're right, Expression.Convert can do that.

    Expression<Func<MyClass, object>> e1 = t => t.MyProperty;
    var p = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
    var e2 = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, object>>(
        Expression.Invoke(e1, Expression.Convert(p, typeof(MyClass))), p);

    Note: as @xanatos rightly notes, for converting e.g. Expression<Func<T, int>> to Expression<Func<object, object>>, although C# supports an implicit boxing conversion from int to object, expression trees don't. If this is relevant to the question, another Expression.Convert is needed.