I am trying to merge dask with luigi, and while business logic works fine by itself, code starts throwing errors when I run a Luigi task:
raise ValueError('url type not understood: %s' % urlpath)
ValueError: url type not understood: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='../data/2017_04_11_oldsource_geocoded.csv-luigi-tmp-1647603946' mode='wb' encoding='UTF-8'>
the code is here (I dropped the business model part to make it shorter):
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gp
from geopandas.tools import sjoin
from dask import dataframe as dd
from shapely.geometry import Point
from os import path
import luigi
class geocode_tweets(luigi.Task):
boundaries = _load_geoboundaries()
nyc = boundaries[0].unary_union
def requires(self):
return []
def output(self):
self.path = '../data/2017_04_11_oldsource_geocoded.csv'
return luigi.LocalTarget(self.path)
def run(self):
df = dd.read_csv(path.join(data_dir, '2017_03_22_oldsource.csv'))
df['geometry'] = df.apply(_get_point, axis=1)
meta = _form_meta(df)
S = df.map_partitions(
distributed_sjoin, boundaries=self.boundaries,
nyc_border=self.nyc, meta=meta).drop('geometry', axis=1)
f = self.output().open('w')
and the problem, it looks like, is in the output part
As far as I understand, problem is that dask does not like Luigi file objects as a substitution to the string.
Dask defines DataFrame.to_csv(filename, **kwargs)
and you are sending it a file instead of a filename. Replace those last three lines with: