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How to export dask HTML high level graph to disk

There is a way to generate a HTML high level graph in a jupyter notebook as shown in dasks' documentation:

Taking the example from the docs, you put the following code in a jupyter cell

import dask.array as da
x = da.ones((15, 15), chunks=(5, 5))
y = x + x.T

y.dask  # shows the HTML representation in a Jupyter notebook

And you get a nice interactive html view of the graph in the jupyter notebook.

My question is if there a way to get the html from this graph outside of the jupyter context. My immediate interest is to export a static html file to disk as a record of the graph that was executed for a task. I could also see other applications, such as embedding a widget in a gui.


  • By default, the Notebook interface will display the _repr_html_() method's output for whatever it's trying to display. In the case of a Dask Array, the dask attribute is an instance of a HighLevelGraph, whose implementation is here:

    That method should return a string, so you can call it directly and save the output to a file:

    from pathlib import Path

    There are also ways to use the IPython APIs to run through the process that the Notebook kernel actually goes through when it goes to display some data, but I didn't look those up 😀