I'm trying to stream tweets and save them from Twitter API using Twitter4j.
public class TwitterStreaming{
private static int count;
private static PrintWriter writer;
private static PrintWriter writer2;
In Main Function:
TwitterStreaming.writer = new PrintWriter("FF8Json.txt", "UTF-8");
TwitterStreaming.writer2 =new PrintWriter("FF8.txt", "UTF-8");
//writer.println("hello :)");
//writer2.println("Check 123");
StatusListener listener;
listener = new StatusListener() {
public void onStatus(Status status) {
TwitterStreaming.writer2.println(status.getLang()+" - "+status.getText());
System.out.println("Count - "+TwitterStreaming.count);
//To change the body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
//Other Override functions are removed over here
FF8Json.txt and FF8.txt both will be empty. I have tried creating a function and sending the data to it and trying to write the data to the file through that function also. But it doesn't work. How can I Solve this? Is there any other way to write the data into a file ?
But when I use System.out.println instead of TwitterStreaming.writer It works.
Whole Code over HERE
Is going to be hard to find something in those files if you dont close the printwriter object..
and please don't make everything static in the TwitterStreaming class