Search code examples

In ecplipse RCP application automatically get Run option in menubar Want to remove it

enter image description hereIn my Eclipse RCP application i am getting Run option automatically in menu bar. Without writing any code.So, i want to remove this.

Also getting search menu by default. which is ok for this application. But, my manually created menu item like(File, editor) , these items and search menu item distance not same manner.please help me out this situation to overcome on distance on manu item in eclipse RCP.


  • Just paste this below code in class.

    public void postWindowOpen() { 
        // remove unwanted UI contributions that eclipse makes by default
        IWorkbenchWindow[] windows = PlatformUI.getWorkbench ().getWorkbenchWindows();
        for (int i = 0; i < windows.length; ++i) {
            IWorkbenchPage page = windows[i].getActivePage();
            if (page != null) {
                WorkbenchWindow workbenchWin = (WorkbenchWindow)PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
                MenuManager menuManager = workbenchWin.getMenuManager();
                IContributionItem[] items = menuManager.getItems();
                for(IContributionItem item : items) {
                // hide 'Search' commands