Currently trying to convert a List> to Object[][] for the means of testing multiple tests from an excel sheet. This is the code I have at the moment.
@DataProvider(name = "Journey")
public Object[][] generateJourneys() {
Object[][] o = TestVariables.sourceSheet.toArray();
return o;
The DataProvider should end up looking something like
{"TableEntry1", "TableEntry2", "TableEntry3"},
{"TableEntry12", "TableEntry13", "TableEntry14"}
I have a separate method to pull the excel file like this.
List<List<String>> sourceSheet = ExcelFileHandler.readFromFile("src/resourceSheet.xls");
So I can pull as the following code to get the first row, second column
If I understood the problem, you need to convert List of List to Object[][].
Try this
Object[][] convert(List<List<Object>> lists) {
Object[][] array = new Object[lists.size()][];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = new Object[lists.get(i).size()];
return array;