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Trapping class definition via Proxy in ES6

Is it possible to trap extends? Or to trap definitions inside a class? Eg:

class B extends A {
    method1( ) { }
    static method2( ) { }

Is there any way to trap the events that:

  • B extended A.
  • method1( ) was defined on B.prototype
  • method2( ) was defined on B.

None of the existing mechanisms seem to work. Tried setPrototypeOf and defineProperty traps.


  • When class B extends class A, it gets its prototype object. So you can define a Proxy with a trap on get et check if the property being accessed is "prototype".

    class A {}
    PA = new Proxy(A, {
      get(target, property, receiver) {
        console.log('get', property)
        if (property == 'prototype')
'extending %o, prototype=%s', target, target.prototype)
        return target[property]
    class B extends PA {}