I have a list of categories for length of roads in Excel. While i can filter the result and get a frequency for each category alone. I want to know if there is a way to get a conditional frequency (with bin of 500) to get the frequency/number of roads in each 500m interval in each category (5-7m road, <5m and >7m road) using conditional statement?
49 779.057148 Public road, 5-7 m width
50 779.057148 Public road, 5-7 m width
109 40.939242 Public road, 5-7 m width
111 40.939242 Public road, 5-7 m width
381 123.495134 Public road, 5-7 m width
382 123.495134 Public road, 5-7 m width
423 66.196065 Public road, 5-7 m width
424 66.196065 Public road, 5-7 m width
523 1.559347 Public road, <5 m width
524 1.559347 Public road, <5 m width
963 409.818888 Public road, 5-7 m width
1178 220.234471 Public road, 5-7 m width
1307 25.574923 Public road, <5 m width
1321 88.248279 Public road, <5 m width
1335 116.828271 Public road, >7 m width
In F2 (per supplied image) as,
=COUNTIFS($C:$C, F$1, $B:$B, ">"&(ROW(1:1)-1)*500, $B:$B, "<="&ROW(1:1)*500)
Fill right and down.