Method references don't work with non-static methods AFAIK. I tried using them in the following way Integer[] {12,321,312}).map(Integer::toString).forEach(System.out::println);
Which resulted in the compilation error as seen in the link.
While using AssertJ
library, I used something like this,
AbstractObjectAssert<?, Feed> abstractObjectAssertFeed2 = assertThat(feedList.get(2));
abstractObjectAssertFeed2.extracting(Feed::getText).isEqualTo(new Object[] {Constants.WISH+" HappyLife"});
where Feed
is a noun and getText
is a getter method and not static, but it worked fine without compilation error or any error which puzzled me.
Am I missing something about how method references work?
This is invalid for a different reason.
Basically there are two toString
implementations in Integer
static toString(int)
/*non- static*/ toString()
Meaning you could write your stream like this: Integer[] { 12, 321, 312 })
.map(i -> i.toString(i))
.forEach(System.out::println); Integer[] { 12, 321, 312 })
.map(i -> i.toString())
Both of these qualify as a method reference via Integer::toString
. The first one is a method reference to a static method
. And the second is Reference to an instance method of an arbitrary object of a particular type
Since they both qualify the compiler does not know which to choose.