I have a class like this:
struct X
enum Type { INT, FLOAT };
using val_t = std::tuple<int, float>;
X(Type t) : type(t) {}
Type type;
template<typename T>
X& operator =(T x)
// ???
static_assert(T is the same as `type');
// ???
std::get<type>(val) = x;
return *this;
val_t val;
Is it possible to assert at compile time if user tries to assign incompatible value?
For example:
X x1(X::INT);
x1 = 5; // OK
x1 = 3.14; // compilation error
Note: I prefer keeping the class as not a template because I need to keep its instances in collections (like std::vector
You cannot: the value of type_
is run time data, compilation errors are not determined at runtime.
You could do:
enum Type { INT, FLOAT };
template<Type type_>
struct X {
using val_t = std::tuple<int, float>;
template<typename T>
X& operator =(T x) {
// ???
"types do not match"
std::get<T>(val) = x;
return *this;
val_t val;
X<INT> x1;
x1 = 5; // OK
x1 = 3.14; // compilation error
but I do not see much point.
One way would be to have a base type that does not do the checking just stores state, and a derived that knows its type.
struct Base{
enum {INT,FLOAT} Type;
// etc
template<Base::Type type>
struct Derived:private Base{
using Base::some_method; // expose base methods
Base& get_base()&{return *this;}
Base get_base()&&{return std::move(*this);}
Base const& get_base()const&{return *this;}
template<class T>
Derived& operator=( T o){
"types do not match"
return *this;
does not check, at best it runtime asserts. Derived
checks at compile time.
Niw when you know the type statically at compile time you use Derived<INT> d;
; when you do not, or need to forget, use .get_base()
or a Base b(type_enum_val);