I have been searching for any simple example on ths concept / design pattern / what ever it is called, i want to see any simple example in java, i want to know if it is possible to apply this concept in an android application or not, i'm already using actor model in android but i want to apply the "Let it crash" pattern to it, where can i find any java examples or explanations for it ... I always see high level discussions with no code in it or even UMLs
I tried nothing since i cant imagine how it is done !
I had a way of doing this for several years (2003-2009) in Java. Then I found out how Erlang works and has been coding Erlang since then. If I have to code Java ever again I will use this pattern for sure.
The way I did it in Java for some major website projects was this:
Here is a classic example of catching the checked exception java.sql.SQLException that the compiler forces you to handle and retrowing is as a RuntimeException.
try {
your code here...
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
This works like a charm. The complete stacktrace is kept and no information is lost. The compiler is happy and you are happy since you have transformed a Java checked exception into a RuntimeException.
Good luck!
This error handling approach made my Java codebase so much smaller and it did become "Let it crash". Not perfect, but a lot better.