IDE: Android Studio 2.2.2 | Jmockit: 2.1 | Java: 1.8.0_102-b14
I tried to mock method toString() of class All method on this class could mock OK, but toString() method.
public void method(@Mocked final Uri uri) throws Exception {
new NonStrictExpectations() {
result = "sendViewLog";
result = "getAuthority";
result = "getEncodedFragment";
result = 8080;
uri.toString(); // <-------
result = "helloWorld";
Result: But toString() returns null value, all method above were mocked. Could you give me some solution method resolve this problem.
PS1: I realized that when i hover to toString method inside Expectations block. It shows this warning message:
Reports any calls to specific methods where the result of that call is ignored. Both methods specified in the inspection's settings and methods annotated with org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract(pure=true) are checked. For many methods, ignoring the result is perfectly legitimate, but for some methods it is almost certainly an error. Examples of methods where ignoring the result of a call is likely to be an error include, which returns the number of bytes actually read, any method on java.lang.String or java.math.BigInteger, as all of those methods are side-effect free and thus pointless if ignored.
PS2: When I check null by uri instance, it passes. But, code from client which I want to check is uri.toString().contains("/video") Cause uri.toString() == null, so contains("/video") throws NullPointerException.
Answer from developer:
Yes, only implemented (with a body, not abstract) toString() methods can be mocked.