For my master's degree final project I decided to design a drone delivery system. The main purpose is to learn to design complex systems.
The basic use case is this:
So far so good. My questions are related to the software architecture of this system. I have some general questions and some specific questions.
General questions:
Specific questions:
So far i have came up with this architecture:
System Components:
System flow:
My questions are related to the consumer and producer:
Is OK that the consumer to have logic in it, in my example it will have the algorithm that will determine the best drone, to do this it needs to talk to mysql also, for retrieving drone positions? Is this a good practice? If not how can i do different?
Is best practice for the consumer to stay in the application? Right now consumers are running in the same server as the web service and the code is not separated from web service code. I am thinking maybe in the future you may need to move the consumers in a separate server? How do you think the consumers so they can easily be separated from the application?
I think that the producer must stay in the application, i mean is coupled with the web service app. Is that OK?
Sorry for the long post, and for my poor English. Thank you very much :)
Yes, the consumer should have logic in it. This is a standard EIP routing pattern.
If you properly separate your business logic layers from your data access layers (your queue access is a data access layer), then it probably isn't a problem to have them all share a common project. You ultimately probably want to separate your business logic/domain model from the web service and the router/consumer, but those are much more deployment and packaging concerns.
As long as you keep your web service code out of your business logic (and vice versa) you will probably be ok, you will just have to deploy the whole thing multiple times, and only expose the endpoints that are relevant for any given deployment. You ultimately might be happier though if you separate your layers via libraries, as it will actually enforce not mixing the concerns.
And yes, the producer must be deployed with the web service, just make sure you are aware that as a Data Access Layer, that it's in a separate package/class. It will make your testing much easier.