Search code examples

Not able to install Marvel puglin on Windows

Good morning all:

I am trying to install the elasticsearch plugin "Marvel" on Windows 10, I am using the version 5.3.0 of elasticsearch.

When I go the command line, and the go to the "bin directory" of my elasticsearch, I tried all the following commands but none of them works for me, giving different errors:

elasticsearch-plugin install license
elasticsearch-plugin install C:\Users\roigm\Downloads\
elasticsearch-plugin install file://C:\Users\roigm\Downloads\

Please note that I don't have "plugin.bat" but "elasticsearch-plugin.bat"

Any help please



  • There is no Marvel in ES 5.3. You need the XPack, which includes Monitoring (formerly known as Marvel). And with ES 5.3 only XPack 5.3 works, 2.x anything (Marvel, Shield, license plugin) will not.