I am trying to update a dojo Pie chart using the updateSeries method. I invoke the method after performing an ajax call to get an updated javascript array data.
Here is the Javascript:
var eventByReasonsData = .... //gets populated on jsp page compile
var theme = dojox.charting.themes.Julie;
var eventReasonsChart = null;
function makeEventsByReason() {
var dc = dojox.charting;
eventReasonsChart = new dc.Chart2D("eventsByReasonChart");
eventReasonsChart.setTheme( theme ).addPlot("default", {
type: "Pie",
font: "normal normal 8pt Tahoma",
fontColor: "black",
labelOffset: -20,
radius: 100
}).addSeries("eventSeries", eventByReasonsData );
var anim_a = new dc.action2d.MoveSlice(eventReasonsChart, "default");
var anim_b = new dc.action2d.Highlight(eventReasonsChart, "default");
var anim_c = new dc.action2d.Tooltip(eventReasonsChart, "default");
Here is my HTML:
<div id="eventsByReasonChart" ></div>
And here is the javascript making the AJAX call:
new Ajax.Request( url, {
method: 'post',
parameters: params,
onComplete: function(response) {
if( response.responseText != "empty" )
var chart = eventReasonsChart;
eventByReasonsData = response.responseText;
chart.updateSeries( "eventSeries", eventByReasonsData );
Lastly, here is how my data is formatted when being sent to the chart:
[{ y:48 },{ y:1 },{ y:1 },{ y:14 },{ y:7 },{ y:3 },{ y:8 }]
When the Chart is initially drawn, everything is cool, no problems. AFter making the Ajax call, i receive the new data, the update call is made and the chart disappears. No errors that I can see on the console.
any ideas?
I suspect that eventByReasonsData
is a string, when updateSeries()
expects an array. You can use dojo.fromJson()
to convert the string to an array:
chart.updateSeries( "eventSeries", dojo.fromJson(eventByReasonsData) );