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How to keep template whitespace (tabs) formatting using Apache Velocity 1.7?

I am using Velocity to generate different artifacts in my project, including Java Hibernate Entities.

Here is an example of my template:

#foreach( $column in $columns )
    #if ($column.columnID != "id")
        #if ($column.isColumnAnIdentifier)
        #if ($column.isColumnValueGenerated)
        #if ($column.isColumnValueNotNull)
        #if ($column.columnAllowedValues)
        #if ($column.isColumnValueUnique)
        #elseif ($column.isColumnJoinedManyToOne)
@JoinColumn(name = "$column.columnJoinByID")
private #if ($column.columnAllowedValues) $column.columnID.toUpperCase() #else $column.columnType #end $column.columnID;

The problem is that the generated code looks like this:

            private  String  vendor;

            private  String  name;

            private  Integer  min_quantity;

            private  String  description;

            private  Boolean  active;

I tried the suggested solution with adding ## after each line, it does not help. Is there a way to force Velocity to keep whitespace as defined in the template?

    VelocityEngine velocityEngine = new VelocityEngine();
    velocityEngine.setProperty(CLASSPATH_RESOURCE_LOADER_PROPERTY, ClasspathResourceLoader.class.getName());
    Template velocityTemplate = velocityEngine.getTemplate(TEMPLATE_RESOURCES_ROOT_FOLDER + "/" + templateFileName);;
    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
    velocityTemplate.merge(velocityContext, writer);
    writeToFile(writer, destinationFilePath);


  • The ## at the end of lines is not enough, you also need to remove the Velocity indentation.

    An alternative, to keep the indentation, is to indent with Velocity comments:

    #foreach( $column in $columns )##
    #**##if ($column.columnID != "id")##
    #*    *##if ($column.isColumnAnIdentifier)##
    #*    *##end
    #*    *##if ($column.isColumnValueGenerated)##

    but I concede it is rather ugly.

    The upcoming Velocity 2.0 release adds a space gobbling option, active by default, with does exactly what you want. The latest release candidate is available here.