I'm trying to write an annotation to check if an object is immutable at runtime. In order to do so, I check if the class of the object is final and then if all its attributes are also final. And then, I want to check the same thing recursively for the type of each field if it's not a primitive type.
Here a piece of code:
for (Element subElement : element.getEnclosedElements()) {
if (subElement.getKind().isField()) {
for(Modifier modifier : subElement.getModifiers()) {
if (modifier.equals(Modifier.FINAL)) {
if (!isFinal) {
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, "Field "+element+" is not immutable because it is not final");
} else {
// Here I want to restart my method recursively
How can I get my method to start all over again with the type of my field? How can I retrieve the type of the field, which is here a javax.lang.model.element.Element
Edit: I need the type as declared in the containing class, which needs to be a final class to avoid any kind of mutability.
I've been able to do it with Square's javapoet ClassName
Element element = ...
ClassName className = ClassName.get(element.asType());
String name = className.toString();
If, for example, the annotated field is a String
, it will return Java.lang.String
. I'm open to a better solution than this one.