I am editing SecureServer Project in eclipse but I am executing it using below command in separate command line
java -jar target/TextSecureServer-1.22.jar server config/development.yml
How can I attach eclipse debugger to this running jar file?
A running Java application which did not include the JVM flags to specify debug mode cannot be attached to a debugger. You will need to restart the application specifying the appropriate arguments. You will find sufficient information on these command line options
For Java 5 and above
For old versions
-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=4000
Note : The documentation does say :
A process to be debugged need not have been started in debug mode(ie, with -agentlib:jdwp or -Xrunjdwp)
But this could be something thats not available yet. You can watch a running application using a tool like processexplorer to see that there are no default listen ports when you run a java application without the arguments.