I'm fairly new to C
and am starting to learn header files. Whilst using my header I'm getting an error saying invalid type argument of '->' (have struct dirent)
. I don't understand what this means, I read here that the second argument to ->
must be a pointer, so I tried to add a *
to it (ent->*d_name)
however then I get the error unexpected token *
, how can I fix this?
#define UTILIS_H_INCLUDED "utilis.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
char *connect(const char *pattern)
struct dirent ent;
char *d_name;
DIR *mgt = opendir("\\\\example\\windows7apps");
while ((ent = readdir(mgt)) != pattern)
I read here that the second argument to -> must be a pointer,
That's wrong, the "first" argument, or, actually, the operand of the ->
operator should be of pointer type.
In your case, ent
is not a pointer type, so you cannot use the pointer member dereference operator ->
. (you could have used the member dereference operator .
Actually, in your code, ent
should be a pointer, as per the return type of readdir()
. So you better correct the type of ent
to be of struct dirent *
, then you can make use of ->
on ent