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jxa - Getting NSAttributedString font metrics in JavaScript for Automation

In macOS Sierra JavaScript for Automation, we can write:

// helvetica12Width :: String -> Num
function helvetica12Width(str) {
    return $.NSAttributedString.alloc.init.initWithString(

to get metrics for a particular string in the default Helvetica 12. What I haven't yet managed to do is to pass in attributes for other fonts and font sizes, and get corresponding metrics for those.

Has anyone discovered an idiom/syntax that works here from JXA or AppleScript ?

Update: This is the kind of thing I have experimented with – clearly off the mark though, as variation in the font size/name values doesn't affect the return value:

(() => {
    'use strict';


    return $.NSAttributedString.alloc.init.initWithStringAttributes(
            "Substantiation", {
                'NSFontAttributeName': $.NSFont.fontWithNameSize('Helvetica', 24)


  • Ah ... this seems to do it:

    (function () {
        'use strict';
        // show :: a -> String
        const show = x => JSON.stringify(x, null, 2);
        // stringSizeInFontAtPointSize :: String -> String -> Num
        //                                  -> {width:Num, height:Num}
        function stringSizeInFontAtPointSize(str, fontName, points) {
            return $.NSAttributedString.alloc.init.initWithStringAttributes(
                str, $({
                    'NSFont': $.NSFont.fontWithNameSize(fontName, points)
        // TEST -------------------------------------------------------------------
        return show([
            stringSizeInFontAtPointSize("hello World", "Geneva", 32),
            stringSizeInFontAtPointSize("hello World", "Geneva", 64),
            stringSizeInFontAtPointSize("hello World", "Helvetica", 64),