In addition to the currentTasks
and workflowHistory
tables I want to add two another tables. I added two blocks with the headers in workflow-form.get.html.ftl
and two widgets in workflow-form.js
. Also I added labels mapping in .properties
The problem is that my tables is always displayed at the bottom of the page and they have no headers:
I also noticed that the block of the history table (and the current table, too) has an ID, something like:
My tables do not have such ID. They are simply placed in containers like this:
<div class="form-element-background-color yui-dt">
Part of my workflow-form.get.html.ftl
<#-- I added this div for additional table -->
<div id="${el}-finishedBpAttachmentsDetails-form-section" class="workflow-attachments-details">
<div class="form-element-background-color"></div>
<#-- And also this div -->
<div id="${el}-finishedBpDetails-form-section" class="workflow-details">
<div class="form-element-background-color"></div>
<#-- Will be inserted below "Items" in the form after its been loaded through ajax -->
<div id="${el}-currentTasks-form-section" class="current-tasks">
<a name="current-tasks"></a>
<div class="form-element-background-color"></div>
<#-- Will be inserted in the bottom of the form after its been loaded through ajax -->
<div id="${el}-workflowHistory-form-section" class="workflow-history">
<div class="form-element-background-color"></div>
Part of my workflow-form.js
var finishedBpDetailsDS = new YAHOO.util.DataSource(dsRes,
responseType: YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSARRAY
var finishedBpDetailsContainerEl = Dom.get( + "-finishedBpDetails-form-section"),
finishedBpDetailsTasksEl = Selector.query("div", finishedBpDetailsContainerEl, true);
var finishedBpDetailsColumnDefinitions = [
this.widgets.finishedBpDetailsTasksDataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable(finishedBpDetailsTasksEl,
finishedBpDetailsColumnDefinitions, finishedBpDetailsDS,
MSG_EMPTY: this.msg("label.noTasks")
var finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsColumnDefinitions = [
var finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsDS = new YAHOO.util.DataSource(this.dsAttachmentRes,
responseType: YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSARRAY
var finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsContainerEl = Dom.get( + "-finishedBpAttachmentsDetails-form-section"),
finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsTasksEl = Selector.query("div", finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsContainerEl, true);
this.widgets.finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsTasksDataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable(finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsTasksEl,
finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsColumnDefinitions, finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsDS,
MSG_EMPTY: this.msg("label.noTasks")
Selector.query(".form-fields",, true).appendChild(finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsTasksEl);
Selector.query(".form-fields",, true).appendChild(finishedBpDetailsTasksEl);
How can I set the position and headers for my tables?.. For example, I'd like to display my tables after the block with general information.
Is it possible?
You should insert the table in the div to display the table in the top section.
<div id="${el}-summary-form-section">
<div class="yui-gf">
<div class="yui-u first avatar">
<img id="${el}-recentTaskOwnersAvatar" src="" alt="${msg("label.avatar")}">
<div class="yui-u">
<div id="${el}-recentTaskOwnersCommentLink"></div>
<div id="${el}-recentTaskOwnersComment" class="task-comment form-element-border"></div>
<div class="clear"></div>
<!-- this is my custom table and display in the screen at the top. -->
<div id="${el}-addl-summary-form-section" style="display:block" >
Hope this helps you.