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Java close FileInputStream before reading anything

I have a very peculiar problem. In android I am using FileInputStream to read from the serial (ttySx/COM) port. I am using this to decide which of the known devices is connected (if any at all). What I basically do is:

  1. Are you device 1? No...
  2. Are you device 2? No...
  3. Are you device 3? Yes...
  4. Great lets do some stuff...

And this works great. If there is any incoming data to read (response from device), everything is fine. However, if there is no device connected to ttySx there is nothing to respond to my write. That means nothing to read.

Now, is a blocking call. When I call it in the thread, thread is effectively frozen. I cannot interrupt the thread because for that I would have to read something first. So far everything makes perfect sense.

As there is no response from the port for quite some time I decide that there is nothing connected and want to stop reading and dispose of the thread(actually I do not want to bother with the port anymore because with nothing connected, it is useless to me at this moment). As mentioned earlier interrupt itself is no good. What should be working, is to close() the FileInputStream (read() will throw an exception and hooray!). The close() works... As long as the read() read anything ever (like when I had an answering device connected, then disconnect it -> read() is stuck - because no data to read - but close() works).

However if there was not a thing connected to the port when the read() started (equals: I haven't read a single byte), the close() method does nothing. It does not close the stream. Nor does work the closing of FileInputStream channel.

I could create a workarround: Store the FileInputStream somewhere and when I want to read from the port again later, use the same instance. That would work for me. Unfortunately I would quite unnecessarily block the port itself. No other process (for example another application) could read from the port because it is stuck in "uninterruptable" read...

Any ideas why this is happening and how to make it right? Or some other way to detect if there is anything connected to the ttySx port?


EDIT1: The library used for communication with serial port is


  • In the end we used FileInputStream::available().

    First time we tried it, it was like:

    1. Check if anything is available.
    2. Read (regardless of availability)

    Of course, when we checked the available, there was nothing to read yet. Then the read call blocked and waited for input. When we checked again, there was nothing available already, because read had cleared the port.

    Therefore this suggestion Java close FileInputStream before reading anything from M. Prokhorov was the correct one for my situation.

    If anyone would wonder about the behavior in question: From researching it, it seems that reading streams was not designed for ports/sockets in first place. It was designed for regular files. You read, reach the end of document and close the stream. The exceptions are designed for wrong sequential usage of a stream (you open it, close id and then try to read). If you enter blocking mode, it will block until it reads at least a byte. No way around it. Close initializes the "closing state" similarly to setting the interrupt state of a thread.