I'm using cJSON Library. For a body example request with JSON like this:
"user": {
"name":"user name",
"city":"user city"
I add the objects like this and its work:
cJSON *root;
cJSON *user;
root = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddItemToObject(root,"user", user = cJson_CreateObject());
cJSON_AddStringToObject(user, "name", name.c_str());
cJSON_AddStringToObject(user, "city", city.c_str());
But now i have a body json little different:
"user": {
"name1":"user name1",
"name2":"user name 2"
And try do add the object like this:
cJSON *root;
cJSON *user;
cJSON *info;
root = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddItemToObject(root,"user", user = cJson_CreateObject());
cJSON_AddItemToObject(user,"informations", info = cJson_CreateObject());
cJSON_AddStringToObject(info, "name", name.c_str());
cJSON_AddStringToObject(info, "city", city.c_str());
Its the right way to do this using cJSON? Because its not working and I don't know if the problem is in my C++ or in my Java client that sends the data to my C++ server.
Although you did not specify, why your code is not working, this code below, should generate the sample you provided.
#include <iostream>
#include "cJSON.h"
int main() {
cJSON *root;
cJSON *user;
cJSON *info;
std::string name1 = "user name1";
std::string name2 = "user name 2";
root = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddItemToObject(root,"user", user = cJSON_CreateObject());
cJSON_AddItemToObject(user,"informations", info = cJSON_CreateObject());
cJSON_AddStringToObject(info, "name1", name1.c_str());
cJSON_AddStringToObject(info, "name2", name2.c_str());
std::cout << cJSON_Print(root) << std::endl;
return 0;
The cJSON documentation seems pretty straightforward and your code looks generally fine. There is also a "test.c" file in cJSON sources, where you can find more code samples how to use it.