I have a pattern like this "Nom for ? oscars" or "Nom for 2 Golden Globes. Nom for ? oscars. 30 wins 18 nominations" And I want to determine the ? with regex, so the amount of oscars.
It seems like there
Corresponding to this questions: Extract string between two strings in java and
How do I find a value between two strings? I tried this pattern:
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("for(.*?)Oscar");
Next I tried this following this question: Java - Best way to grab ALL Strings between two Strings? (regex?)
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote("Nom") +"(.*?)"+ Pattern.quote("Oscar"));
The rest of my code:
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher("Nom for 3 Oscar");
Log.d("Test", matcher.group(1));
All of these pattern result in this exception:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No successful match so far
I think I just oversee something very simple.
Can you guys help me ?
So the problem was that I call matcher.group(1) after the loop. I missunderstood the working of the find method. However this code is working indeed, when i call matcher.group(1) inside the loop.
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("for(.*?)Oscar");
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher("Nom for 3 Oscar");
Log.d("Test", matcher.group(1));
I write test as in Extract string between two strings in java and this is working. I think Your input string don't matches:
public void regex() {
String str = "Nom for 3 Oscar, dom for 234235 Oscars";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("for(.*?)Oscar");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(str);
while (matcher.find()) {
After my answer You edited Your question and I see, in Your input String "oscar" starts with lowecase "o", in Pattern with uppercase "O".