As a learning exercise, I'm trying to define a newtype to serve as a holder of functions that can convert Show
-able values to Eff
ects, i.e.:
newtype ShEff a = ShEff (forall eff. Show a => a -> Eff eff Unit)
However, this:
f :: forall a. ShEff a
f = ShEff logShow
fails to compile with this error:
Could not match type
( console :: CONSOLE
| t2
with type
while trying to match type Eff
( console :: CONSOLE
| t2
with type Eff eff1
while checking that expression logShow
has type t0 -> Eff eff1 Unit
in value declaration f
Can you point me in the right direction?
The type of logShow
forall eff. Show a => a -> Eff (console :: CONSOLE | eff) Unit
so you can't store it inside ShEff
, since that must work for every eff
, and logShow
only works for rows containing the CONSOLE
You have two options:
Move the eff
type argument outside ShEff
newtype ShEff eff a = ShEff (a -> Eff eff Unit)
f :: forall a eff. Show a => ShEff (console :: CONSOLE | eff) a
f = ShEff logShow
Add the constraint inside ShEff
newtype ShEff a = ShEff (forall eff. a -> Eff (console :: CONSOLE | eff) Unit)
f :: forall a eff. Show a => ShEff a
f = ShEff logShow
Also notice that I've moved the Show a
constraint outside ShEff
in both cases.