I'm trying to get raven working in a rhino.etl console to import date from sql to raven.
I have a RavenInstaller:
public class RavenInstaller : IWindsorInstaller
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
.DependsOn(new { connectionStringName = "SomeRavenConnectionString" })
static IDocumentSession GetDocumentSesssion(IKernel kernel)
var store = kernel.Resolve<IDocumentStore>();
return store.OpenSession();
public static void DoInitialisation(IKernel kernel, IDocumentStore store)
However - when I call _documentSession.OpenSession() the app just hangs.
Is there something I need to specify for the console app environment? It keeps saying it's timed out - but the url in the config is localhost:8080 which is correct?
i've changed it to now use:
using (var documentStore = new DocumentStore { Url = "http://localhost:8080" })
using (var session = documentStore.OpenSession())
var mp = _container.Resolve<MainProcess>();
mp.DocumentSession = session;
but still hanging on opensession.
Where is the hang actually occurs? In what method inside OpenSession?