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Generic fields initialization in Selenium

I am describing a grid or table view using Selenium. What I want to do is to develop an abstract class Table from which another classes will inherit. Here is the idea:

AbstractTable class:

public abstract class AbstractTable extends HtmlElement {
    public abstract Class<? extends AbstractRow> getHeader();
    public abstract Class<? extends AbstractRow> getRow();

    private Class<? extends AbstractRow> tableHeader = getHeader();
    private Class<? extends AbstractRow> tableRow = getRow();

    public AbstractTable() { // init method }

AbstractRow class:

@FindBy(xpath = ".//thead/tr")
public abstract class AbstractRow extends HtmlElement {

    public Rectange getRect() { return null; }

MyTable class:

class MyTable extends AbstractTable {

    public Class<? extends AbstractRow> getHeader() { return TableHead.class; }
    public Class<? extends AbstractRow> getRow() { return TableRow.class; }

    @FindBy(xpath = ".//thead/tr")
    public static class TableHead extends AbstractRow { // some fields }

    @FindBy(xpath = ".//tbody/tr[not(@class = 'clicked')]")
    public static class TableRow extends AbstractRow { // some fields }

Imagine that there are more than one class which is similar to MyTable.

So, my main question is: will my inner classes of class MyTable be decorated and initialized? Or, if not, then maybe there is a way to do this more efficient?


  • I tried to do something similar in the past. However, it was much more simple.

    Here is code snippet:

    public class Table extends AbstractPageElement {
        public Table(WebElement wrappedElement, String name, String page) {
            super(wrappedElement, name, page);
        public static final String ROW_XPATH_LOCATOR = "//tbody/tr";
        private static String getCellXpathLocator(int row, int column) {
            return ROW_XPATH_LOCATOR + "[" + row + "]/td[" + column + "]";
        public int getRowCount() {
            return findAllByXPath(ROW_XPATH_LOCATOR).size();
        public String getCellValue(int row, int column) {
            Cell cell = new Cell(row, column,,;
            return cell.getText();
        public class Cell extends AbstractPageElement {
            private int row;
            private int column;
            public Cell(WebElement wrappedElement, String name, String page) {
                super(wrappedElement, name, page);
            public Cell(int row, int column, String name, String page) {
                super(Table.this.findByXPath(getCellXpathLocator(row, column)), name, page);
                this.row = row;
                this.column = column;
            public String getText() {
                return wrappedElement.getText();
            public Cell nextInRow() {
                return new Cell(row, column + 1, name, page);
            public Cell previousInRow() {
                return new Cell(row, column - 1, name, page);
            public Cell nextInColumn() {
                return new Cell(row + 1, column, name, page);
            public Cell previousInColumn() {
                return new Cell(row - 1, column, name, page);

    AbstractPageElement was used with default implementation for FieldDecorator.
    Project structure was like:

    enter image description here

    Also, you can have a look to yandex-qatools htmlelements. They created custom decorator and wrapper classes for elements.

    BTW: they have implementation for Table