I got this menu on my website
= current_user
Filter Transactions
My Transactions
Balance History
Sign Out
And I got this timeline with transactions
- @transactions.each do |transaction|
= "+#{transaction.amount}"
= image_tag transaction.receiver_image, class:'avatar'
= "#{transaction.sender.name}:"
= "+#{transaction.amount} ₭"
= transaction.receiver_name_feed
= transaction.activity_name_feed
-# Like
= "#{distance_of_time_in_words(DateTime.now, transaction.created_at)} ago"
= paginate @transactions
They are both rendered on my index.html.haml
So when I click the div .filter-option.sent
I want to change the code change from
- @transactions.each do |transaction|
- @all_transactions.each do |transaction|
to filter out the transactions of the current user without reloading the page.
These variables are defined in my controller
@transactions = Transaction.order('created_at desc').page(params[:page]).per(20)
@all_transactions = Transaction.all_for_user(current_user)
With in my model the method all_for_user
def self.all_for_user(user)
Transaction.where(sender: user).or(Transaction.where(receiver: user)).order('created_at desc').page.per(20)
I tried a lot of things with AJAX but nothing seems to please me. Somebody can help me?
So if you'd like to replace that @transactions list with AJAX you will need to do a few things..
1) Move the @transactions block into a partial that takes a local variable.
= render partial: 'transactions/list', locals: {transactions: @transactions}
2) Create a link that submits to a route, that hits a controller action as #js ('data-remote': true ) ( or write a javascript function that triggers $.ajax request: https://www.w3schools.com/jquery/ajax_ajax.asp
%a.transaction-filter{href: "/transactions/#{transaction_type}", 'data-remote': true}
or ex..
%a.study{href: "/transactions/recent", 'data-remote': true}
%a.study{href: "/transactions/past", 'data-remote': true}
3) define the route
get '/transactions/:type' => 'transactions#filter'
4) re-assign the variable based on the filter, and re-render that partial with the new data in a filter.js.erb file thats in the view directory -> app/views/transactions
def filter
@filtered_transactions = Transactions.where(type: params[:type] ).order('created_at DESC')
respond_to do |format|
format.js { render :action => 'filter.js.erb', :layout => false}
$("#transactions-wrapper").html("<%= j render(:partial => 'transactions/list'', :locals => { transactions: @filtered_transactions } ) %>");
alert('Transactions have been filtered, yo')
Let me know if that makes sense! Except please don't actually javascript alert at the end ;)