I have downloaded source code from below site http://oauth-io.github.io/oauth-js/
and implemented for twitter as-is. but when I intialize with my app consumer key it returns unknown key, where as when I give consumer key form demo source code, it works, what setting I need.
function twitterLogin()
OAuth.popup('twitter', function (error, success) {
console.log('error ' + error);
console.log('success ' + success);
It just says unknown key and popup closed immediately.
From the OAuth.io Docs:
When you create an OAuth.io application in your dashboard, a pair of public key, private key is generated. You will need this pari to initialize the SDK later on.
// Initialize the SDK
To authorize your app using OAuth.io, you just need to add a provider to your OAuth.io app, copy/paste your provider’s API Keys (usually client_id and client_secret), and specify a permission scope. Then, you can directly try a connection to the provider, by clicking on the Try auth button.
You can also use the Token API to sign up your users with their social identity. provider is the name of a provider on OAuth.io as facebook, twitter, google and 100+ others.
The provider needs to have the User API enabled to work properly (you can see it when you add a new provider in your OAuth.io Dashbaord).
This is important. Your Twitter API Key goes into your OAuth.io Dashboard and your OAuth.io Key goes into your initialize function.