I have a class which is in a Jar file, and it does not implement parcelable and I cannot edit the Jar file. I get the object as a response from the server and I need to pass it to the next activity using parcelable, This class also has other Class objects. How can I achieve this ?
Here is the code of the class :
//The class whose Arraylist I want to send to another activity. //This class is inside JAR
public class MacroConfig implements IConfig, IData {
private MacroIdentifiers identifiers;
private ArrayList<MacroRel> relation;
private ExecutionMode executionMode;
private ArrayList<RuleConfig> ruleConfig;
private ArrayList<String> instruction;
private ArrayList<String> _type_id;
private String type;
private ArrayList<Extension> extension;
private Expansion expand;
public MacroConfig() {
I tried things mentioned on blogs and other Stackoverflow questions but didn't find any proper solution to it.
May be u can try this alternate way, From sender Activity:
intent.putExtra("myObject",new Gson().toJson(listObject));
in oncreate of receiver activity
List<MyObject> obj = new Gson().fromJson(getIntent().getExtras().getString("myObject"), new TypeToken<List<MyObject>>(){}.getType());