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How to add static files to shiny R package for new input control

I've try to use addResourcePath and include extdata directory (that's in inst directory):

to have script and css file in my custom input function:

#' @export
multiSelect <- function(inputId, label = NULL, choices = NULL, selected = NULL) {
  args <- lapply(names(choices), function(name) {
    value <- choices[[name]]
    if (value %in% selected) {
      tags$option(value = value, selected = "selected", name)
    } else {
      tags$option(value = value, name)
  args$id = inputId
  args$class = "multiple-select"
  args$multiple = "true"
      tags$link(rel = "stylesheet", href = "extdata/multiSelect.css"),
      tags$script(src = "extdata/multiSelect.js")
    tags$script(paste0("$('#", inputId, "').multipleSelect()")),
      class = "form-group shiny-input-container",
      tags$label(`for`=inputId, label),$select,  args)

I've try this:

addResourcePath('extdata', system.file('extdata', package='myPackage'))

I run this in my divosshiny\R\shinyUtils.R file of the package.

but when I run the server and open:

the multiSelect.js is in package/inst/extdata/ directory. Am I missing something? How addResourcePath is suppose to work?

I don't get any errors when I build the package. I've had errors when I misspelled extdata as exdata so I know that the path is correct.


  • The function addResourcePath need to be executed in user code (in main server.R), I've added a function:

    #' @export
    setupWidgets <- function() {
      addResourcePath('extdata', system.file('extdata', package='divosShiny'))

    and executed it in server.R and it worked.