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NetCDF to Raster Brick "Unable to find inherited method for function 'brick' for 'ncdf4'"

Really simple problem with the raster package, also using ncdf4 to load in an ECMWF Era-Interim Netcdf file.

Simply doing this:

a <- nc_open("")
B <- brick(a, varname="sst")

Returns this:

    Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable)  : 
  unable to find an inherited method for function ‘brick’ for signature ‘"ncdf4"’

The file is just SST data over the whole globe, for 1 month (Jan2016). When I convert it into an array (i.e. extract dimensions/variable, and convert time to UTC, shove it into an array) I don't get the same error, but the raster package says it supports .nc files straight in (so long as they're cf-1 compatible, which Era-Interim .nc's are)

Any help much appreciated, have tried this with many Netcdf files (non-Era Interim too).


  • thank Renaud Lancelot, who give clearly source code. I have modified his code to fit with your data

     # load package
     # read ncdf file
     # extract variable name, size and dimension
     v <- nc$var[[1]]
     size <- v$varsize
     dims <- v$ndims
     nt <- size[dims]              # length of time dimension
     lat <- nc$dim$latitude$vals   # latitude position
     lon <- nc$dim$longitude$vals  # longitude position
     # read sst variable
     for (i in 1:nt) {
       start <- rep(1,dims)     # begin with start=(1,1,...,1)
       start[dims] <- i             # change to start=(1,1,...,i) to read    timestep i
       count <- size                # begin with count=(nx,ny,...,nt), reads entire var
       count[dims] <- 1             # change to count=(nx,ny,...,1) to read 1 tstep
       dt<-ncvar_get(nc, varid = 'sst', start = start, count = count)
       # convert to raster
     # create layer stack with time dimension
     # transpose the raster to have correct orientation
     extent(rt)<-extent(c(range(lon), range(lat)))
     # plot the result